“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” - Steve Jobs
One thing that stays the same in the life of an educator, is that you should never stop learning. There are so many variables teachers must consider that affect learning that we can never truly have them all mastered. I have always been a self directed learner. I couldn’t imagine ever feeling like “I’ve got it! I know everything I need to know!” That’s why, without a doubt, I have goals for my future learning after my Master in Educational Technology program. As a teacher and technology integration specialist, I strive to inspire my students, and fellow staff, and know that I need to continue to learn to do this effectively. My plan of action includes three main goals: attending the Galileo Leadership Academy, attending the Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning (MACUL)conference every 2 or 3 years (as well as present at some), and develop a strong professional learning community via Twitter and Facebook. Of course this is in addition to the professional reading that I will do. They may seem like lofty goals- but they are valuable!
The Galileo Leadership Academy is a two year program that builds up teacher leaders. About 20 people in my district have attended this academy and have had great things to say about what they have learned and how it helped develop their perspective. It focuses on leadership issues and themes, and through extensive case-studies and collaboration, teachers develop skills to take back to their school communities. The skills and research that I could acquire at this academy would help me in my classroom and with the staff professional developments that I lead at times. Not only does it focus on leadership, it also focuses on instructional strategies to improve student learning and culture in the classroom and school. I would learn how to be a positive influence on the direction of my school and leading it forward. I would learn more about leading the staff toward a shared vision. It is costly, however the educational support organization for our district, Northville Education Foundation, pays for 4 teachers every two years to attend.
Another important organization that works to improve instruction and culture is MACUL. My goal is to be a part of that community by attending their conference every 2 to 3 years. I would like to learn more about integrating technology to support instruction and innovative ways to get students creating with technology. I have attended a couple already, but with the changes in tools and how to use them to support best practice instruction I believe the conferences play an important part in my future learning. On top of attending them, I want to present at them! I am passionate about being in a collaborative community of teachers and love to share about what I am doing in my own classroom and school. I believe that presenting is also a learning experience because it gives people more of an opportunity to have dialogue about what works and can be improved. For example, I could share how I have used Google Tour Builder in the classroom. At the conferences I have volunteered, and would like to continue to do so, in the makerspace lab. This is an excellent way for me to learn about innovative tools and ways to challenge my students to design. Being an active member of the MACUL community is a non-negotiable for me!
Finally, this brings me to one of the easiest types of professional learning that I will continue to participate in all time- social media! In order to stay connected and learn with on-the-spot as needed learning, I will stay connected and become more involved via social media like: Twitter and Facebook. On Twitter, I will continue to develop my professional learning network by following leaders in the field of education. My recent addition of Facebook groups, will be very helpful. For example the Fountas & Pinnell Literacy group is actually facilitated by staff of Fountas and Pinnell as well as teacher that are using it to assess and teach their readers. I can ask clarifying questions regarding the assessment or any situation I need help in. I have also joined groups for teachers of my grade level, and groups specific to reader’s and writer’s workshops. These are great places for me to continue to learn about instruction and to lead/inspire others as I reflect on the work I have done.
There are so many great ways to continue learning in the field of education. I will continue to develop my passion for learning, my students' passion for learning, and other teachers' passion! I will always strive to create a student centered learning environment, and how to better support teachers in creating that in their rooms. Whether my role stays in the classroom, or changes to solely a technology instructional support position, I will continue to stay up to date on best practice instruction and focus on the “why?” Every decision I make will be purposeful and my learning will be to support how we are affecting children everyday.
Looking to the Future
Image from: www.f5quotes.com
Delzer, K. (2015, October 13). Retrieved June 27, 2017, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6vVXmwYvgs