Learning in School and Other Settings
Instructor: Dr. Andy Saltarelli
Spring 2017
I took a nice hard look a learning during CEP 800 . Not only in the context of education- learning in general. We studied how learning looks, how do we know when someone has learned, we reviewed learning theories, and we discussed learning and its implications on teaching. I thought a lot about what I need to put in place in my classroom in order for my students to learn. The class culminated with my creation of a personal learning theory.
Annotated Transcript
The Integrated Literacy Curriculum
Instructor: Mary Bigler
Fall 2014
In this literacy course I explored a balanced literacy framework. I explored current research about literacy instruction and best practices in an elementary classroom. I presented to my class about the readers workshop approach and demonstrated to them how it fits into best practice teaching and learning. Overall, we discussed all aspects of language arts, with a focus on reading.
Teaching for Understanding with Technology
Instructors: Ron Houtman, Emily Stone
Summer 2015
This was the first course in the actual MAET (Master of Art in Educational Technology) program. In this class we focused on theories of learning and became familiar with TPACK (Technological, Pedagogical, Content Knowledge), and began building a foundation for integrating technology in teaching and learning. During this course I built up my personal learning network and began sharing my learning through the use of a blog. I explored how to learn something new using only websites and Youtube!
Adapting Innovative Technologies in Education
Instructor: Melissa White
Summer 2015
In CEP 811, we dove into repurposing technologies around us in innovative ways and maker education. I explored new tools, specifically, Littlebits- electronic modules that can be used along with random household items to create something new. By applying what I learned about TPACK, I was able to explore making (as a constructivist learning approach) and creating lessons to meet my students needs. My favorite part about this course was the opportunity to be creative.
If you would like to know more, let's talk >>
Adapting Educational Technology to Issues of Practice
Instructor: Andrew Steinman
Summer 2016
CEP 812 was an opportunity to zero in on a hard to define problem in education. Through collaboration with a group of my peers, we researched and proposed solutions to the issue of reimagining online learning. We wanted to create possible ways to get online learning to reach its full potential. We also looked closely at our information diet (blogs and people we follow online) in an effort to see various perspectives.
Teaching Students Online
Instructors: Liz Owens Boltz, Dr. Anne Heintz
Spring 2016
We started CEP 820 out with exploring learning management systems for online learning. I was then able to create an online unit with the management system of my choice. I focused on ISTE standards along with my grade level standards. By paying close attention to the layout and the opportunities for student engagement, I created an online course for my students. It was so excited to create an online unit for my students.
Accommodating Differences in Literacy Learners
Instructor: Dr. Dongbo Zhang
Fall 2016
In this course I dug deep into literacy and differentiating for students. I looked closely at research based best practice in reading and writing instruction. As well as discussed with my classmates the connections and experiences we have made in our own classrooms. During the process of a case study, I documented the work I did on word study with a student in my own classroom, using the preassessment to plan for my instruction, then teaching and assessing for learning.
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cep 822
Approaches to Educational Research
Instructors: Cui Cheng, Ming Lei, June Westdal
Summer 2017
I was able to really dive into research in CEP 822! Not only did I learn about various methods of research and how to connect it to my teaching practice and use it to improve, I was also able to choose an area of focus to create a review of research. My interest to pursue was meeting the needs of gifted students. I currently teach in the gifted magnet program for our district and wanted to read as much research about it as I could get my hands on.
Technology and Leadership
Instructors: Rohit Mehta, Kyle Shack
Summer 2017
CEP 815 was all about building up my capacity to lead. By reading about leadership styles and the complexities of leading the charge when planning for technology structures in a school district. While considering the principles of leadership, I created a vision statement that articulates how technology should be used in the classroom to create relevance for the learning that students do. This class challenged me to think as a leader for a whole district and how I could support that vision.
cep 815
Capstone Portfolio Course
Instructors: Dr. Matthew Koehler, Brittany Dillman, Aric Gaunt, Sarah Keenan
Summer 2017
In my capstone course, CEP 807, I created a working portfolio (you're on it!) to capture a record of my learning and understanding as a professional educator and learner. My favorite part of it was the opportunity to reflect on all that I have done. I was really able to synthesize my learning and understanding of educational technology. Through the use of feedback from my classmates and my instructors, I hope to give you a clear picture of my journey.
cep 807
The following are classes that I took during the graduate portion of my journey. I've briefly described them and what my main take-aways were from each class. However, I'm never done learning!
"There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning."
Jiddu Krishnamurti

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